Six Word Saturday

It’s Impossible To Be Glib Today


And we all know that violence is a springboard for more (and more severe) violence; so it’s getting even harder to imagine all the people living life in peace.


It’s still pretty peaceful at Call Me Cate‘s SHOW MY FACE


10 thoughts on “Six Word Saturday

  1. when everyone looks like the ‘enemy’ there’s a tendency to assume they ARE the enemy. The danger comes in that so many cultures look the same physically–Armenians, Jews, Eastern European cultures in general, even Italians, the Irish, and Spaniards. When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

    I despair too, Viv. Keep safe over there.

  2. It is, Ron! I don’t know if you’re familiar with a German guy named Frizztext? He posted the Beatles ‘A day in the life’, strumming his own rendition. It doesn’t get any easier, does it? Love to you and Sandra.

  3. ISIS has resorted to their old heritage, Barbarians. If you aren’t one of them, you’re toast their book. Even to the rest of the Muslim world. Makes it really hard on them. My family had German heritage, it was hard on them in WWI and WWII. That didn’t mean any of our family had sympathy towards the Nazi’s. Opposite, fought in the wars.

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