Six Word Saturday

All Our Coolest Roads Are Unpaved

Dirt Road in Jeffersonville,VT Photo Credit: Marc H

Dirt Road in Jeffersonville,VT
Photo Credit: Marc H

If you’re giving anyone driving directions in Vermont, unless they’re travelling exclusively on the Interstates, sooner or later your directions will include the phrase, “…and that’s where the pavement ends.”  This is where I live.  This is where the real Vermont begins.

Approximately 6,000 of Vermont’s 14,000 miles of maintained roads are dirt. I believe it’s the highest percentage in the country. Yee-Haw!

And here’s one of my all-time favorite unpaved roads; I hope to be visiting there tonight:


Now race on over to SHOW MY FACE.  Call Me Cate‘s waiting for you!


16 thoughts on “Six Word Saturday

  1. Agreed, Ron. Our prettiest roads are/were like that too, until the local deciders decided that paving was the way to go, and did. I like Vermont, allus did. If it had an ocean I’d live there.

    • Vermont still operates on the “Town Meeting Day” system. When paving issues arrive the citizenry regularly advises the Board of Selectmen (pardon the sexist anachronism), “Don’t you dare!!!”

  2. It’s like that back where I’m from—Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. I miss that untamed beauty…

    Have a wonderful time tonight!

  3. The dirt road to our house is getting a little washed out in the middle. There’s a growing trench where large-ish rocks like to breed. Sometimes, Chuck brings buckets of gravel from the creek bed to fill it. This year, he says he wants to leave it as it is. He likes those last bumpy yards as we get close to the house. He does NT drive a Fiat 500.

    BTW, your response to Ricochet made my giggle today. A blast from my past:
    To market, to market to buy a fat pig.
    Home again, home again, jiggety-jig.
    To market to market to buy a fat hog.
    Home again, home again, jiggety jog.
    To market, to market to buy a plum bun.
    Home again, home again, market is done.

    Can’t believe I remember the whole thing. And relate to it, every time I have to keep running back to the store. 🙂

  4. Pavement to us is what you Americans call sidewalk. I lived on an unpaved road, and really noticed how much cleaner our home stayed once we moved to the suburbs! I didn’t miss the dust and potholes.

  5. It is so much more exciting to get off the interstate and be adventuresome on the back roads. We still have some unpaved in Ontario, Canada.

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