Thursday Thirteen

13 Snappy Comebacks


  1.   Oh yeah, like a frog needs a wetsuit.
  2.   Great.  Can I at least get fries with that?
  3.   I can’t help it. It’s hereditary.
  4.   Maybe so, but that’s not what your mother said.
  5.   1  800  GET LOST
  6.   Shouldn’t you at least take me out to dinner first?
  7.   Yeah, but bigger…much bigger.
  8.   Whaddya mean “we”, Tubby?
  9.   I think there’s an App for that.
  10.   Well it may be dead, but it ain’t stopped smellin!
  11.   I used to think that too, but then I grew up.
  12.  You know you’re not in Kansas anymore, right?
  13.  Oh no, I’ve always thought of mucus as relationship cement. Really.


You know what to do with your snappy 13, don’t you?  Take it on over to our pal Mr. Linky at: THURSDAY THIRTEEN!

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