At Last

It’s Haibun Monday again, and this week Michelle Beauchamp (aka Mish) asks us to join her at the dVerse Poets Pub and create/share a Haibun (prose/haiku combo) incorporating some ‘Give Me Shelter’ imagery…


At Last

These days, at last, most things feel outside. It’s not that things feel any less real or any less maddening but that, finally, after his life-long search for tranquility, seeking a means to separate himself from the chaos unfolding outside his tiny window on the collapsing universe, he has found the perfect trigger for his meditations, allowing him to hone his inner peace.

a temple bell tolls
he sits and waits for silence
breathing easier

dVerse Poets Pub
Haibun Monday
~ Give Me Shelter ~


12 thoughts on “At Last

  1. “…the sunset bell.” This was a wonderful, tranquil piece Ron. I love the resonance of bells/chimes/gongs… anything struck with a mallet. It stirs me inside — and I need some damn stirring. Enjoyed this! 🙂✌🏼❤️

  2. You had me at “outside his tiny window on a collapsing universe”. Kudos for the notion, real or surreal. I once read “the answers to all the problems in the universe are an inside job”; indeed.

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