Wait. . . One What?


I just crossed my fingers and sent out a piece to One Sentence Poems, one of several fine affiliated journals (ie OSP / Right Hand Pointing / Unbroken / Unlost) publishing under the banner of Ambidextrous Bloodhound Press.

OSP publishes outstanding works several times every week.  You can check them out here.

I’m not going to say anything about the poem I sent them because I don’t want to jinx my chances, but I’m hopeful that the editors find it worthy. Writing a single-sentence poem can either be a total breeze or a major undertaking. The 1st draft of this piece was a breeze but pounding it into readable shape took considerable time & effort.

I’ll only say this much about it: there’s nudity involved.
Drooling  yet?

One Sentence Poems has published seven (7!) of my previous contributions.
While we wait to hear about this one, you can READ THEM HERE.

6 thoughts on “Wait. . . One What?

  1. You’ve sparked my interest with your one sentence poems! I’m going to have to give it a try. I enjoy your wit and humor, Ron!

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