Avoiding Dawn

Avoiding Dawn

Ask no questions of the moth in the candle’s flame.
……………………………………………………………. –Attar

If she were here, I’d bask in light
and not be crippled by the night.
I’d not be held in Midnight’s prison.

But missing her impairs my vision.
Her absence makes me look away,
remain asleep, avoid the day.

And so I sleep, refuse to rise.
I find her there, with sleep-filled eyes.

dVerse Poets Pub
Tuesday Poetics
~ Stepping Off ~


21 thoughts on “Avoiding Dawn

  1. A beautiful love poem, Ron! I’ve had times when I’ve avoided dawn, waiting for the light of my life to return. My favourite lines:
    ‘…missing her impairs my vision.
    Her absence makes me look away,
    remain asleep, avoid the day.’
    And that gorgeous rhyming couplet at the end!

  2. I like the contrast to longing for the light to longing for the night. It rhymes great too! Sometimes we only get that spark of light back when we close our eyes. It’s always in us! 💕

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