I Rest My Case

I Rest My Case      (144 words)

I was up early, as usual. It was 4:20 AM. I was worrying about the dVerse Prosery prompt, hoping and praying that I’d have something –anything – worthwhile to contribute.

Some of the prior dVerse Prosery prompts have been easy-breezy, but most have been just the opposite: The dVerse Prosery Prompt From Hell, causing me to yank my own hen’s teeth and sing (if you can call it singing) in someone else’s voice.

But I’m doing my best to pretend I can rise to meet any literary challenge and doing whatever I can to be at least a semi-socialized animal, so I sat down, closed my eyes, and let my keyboard fingers call the tune.

I don’t really want to accept the inevitable proof that I’m a literary failure… but there it is; the incontrovertible truth: I’m reading what I have just written. I now believe.

dVerse Poets
Prosery Challenge

MUST be prose. MAY NOT exceed 144 words. MUST include the given (highlighted) text, a slightly altered version of a Louise Gluck line: “Reading what I have just written, I now believe.

19 thoughts on “I Rest My Case

  1. Oh you made me chuckle here…..quite the twist to write it this way and VERY clever. Farthest thing away from not being able to deal with the prompt. You internalized it and wrote what many feel quite often when they see a prompt and gulp. I did enjoy your take on the prompt!

  2. “The dVerse Prosery Prompt From Hell” Can dVerse have an official prompt for that? 😄

    I feel the same way about the prompts, but I still push myself to write either way because I love the experience dVerse brings. I think you are far from a failure, Ron. You write cleverly with beautiful verse. You write with either honesty, satire, or humor and it really drives the point home when you especially indulge in your funny bone:

    “But I’m doing my best to pretend I can rise to meet any literary challenge and doing whatever I can to be at least a semi-socialized animal, so I sat down, closed my eyes, and let my keyboard fingers call the tune.”

    Sigh, this is so relatable.

    I find this prose saddening and funny in some lines. I believe you’re a wonderful writer.

  3. Oh, Ron, you old (younger than me) jokester. You are the first to use the prompt in the clever way you have. I think all of us get that lump in the throat when confronted by “difficult” prompts, especially MTB. The only thing worse for me is to write and post and then reading other’s poems I realized I misread, or misunderstood the prompt; red cheeks time .

  4. I like the way you punctuated the prompt line, Ron, and the honest approach! I love your responses, and hope none of my prompts have been from hell 😊

  5. 🤣🤣🤣 I love your original take on the prompt – definitely writing ‘outside the box’ – I don’t think your literary talent was ever in doubt!

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