With Or Without

Because Haiku and all things Haikai matter, Frank J. Tassone (Haijin extraordinaire) invites us to contribute to this week’s dVerse Poetry’s  Meet The Bar Challenge by creating a Haiku Sequence… either formal or less so. So:



is it August yet?

rain. sun. rain again.
all on the same afternoon.
more rain. dammit.

sun! sun! sun! sun! sun!
day after day after day.
no vacation plans.

harvest those haybales.
check out the weather reports.
sun. more sun. more. more.

dVerse Poets Pub
Meet The Bar
~ Haiku Sequence ~


12 thoughts on “With Or Without

  1. Ah, I love this. Makes me cherish those sunny days, even though I love the rain dearly. You express that feeling of hope for a sunny day well. Excellent take on the prompt! It’s lovely.

  2. You took me straight back to the farm and the part the weather plays in success or defeat. Also, as a humorous aside, your mention of hay bales reminds me I think I was in highschool before I knew putinup hay was three words!

  3. A wonderful serious/fun sequence Ron. Even though there are seasons the weather remains temperamental
    Happy you dropped by to read mine


  4. Your sequence brought me back down to reality, Ron, and made me smile! I’m glad it’s 1st August tomorrow, as I will allowed out and can go to the shops and visit people! I don’t care whether it rains or it’s sunny. 😊

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