Ten Ways To See The Windchime

(Finally, the weather changes; one front muscles out the other, things cool ever-so-slightly, a pre-dawn breeze blows, ushering in a drizzle of rain and setting off the windchime, my favorite alarm clock.)

Ten Ways To See The Windchime

Soft siren. An invitation to return.
Audiobeacon. Lighthouse. Compass rose.

In sunlight it sweetens
the smell of fresh cut hay
after midnight
adds glow to embers

a reliable lullaby
an unpredictable alarm clock

portal between mere morning fog and blesséd dream

Poets and Storytellers United
Writers’ Pantry #28
Rain, Like My Heart

10 thoughts on “Ten Ways To See The Windchime

  1. This is beautiful! I love the idea of a wind chime being a “portal between mere morning fog and blesséd dream.” 😀

  2. I love the sound of a wind chime, but I do appreciate them much more when fully awake and not somewhere along the road between wakefulness and sleeping.

  3. I’m enchanted by the concept of a wind chime being a compass rose. Follow the notes wherever they go! 😉

  4. The tinkle chimes through your poem a beautifully sounded poem.
    Thanks for dropping by my sumie Sunday Ron


  5. Gorgeous poem and that wind chime music is indeed a lulleby
    We have some wind chimes as well Haven’t heard them for a while. Guess its a good thing

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