Six Word Saturday

Thanks For Submitting Your Work, But…


I certainly would have preferred that 2012 go out on an up-note, but no. Two serious rejections in a week and a half.  I’ve been around long enough to know better than let this get me down, to know that the next acceptance is just around the corner, but I have to admit: it still stings.  Onward!


Please don’t reject Call Me Cate at: SHOW MY FACE.


16 thoughts on “Six Word Saturday

  1. oh yes. no matter what you tell yourself, no matter how many acceptances you have gotten, just one rejection will lay you waste. we are funny critters that way, i guess. you have a body of work that never ceases to impress me. I keep thinking, I KNOW this guy. it’s their loss, Ron., not yours.

  2. Absolutely, onward, and moving forward, it’s all we can do- it’s their loss, but there are other better places, just got to keep moving toward new!

  3. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”— Thomas A. Edison
    The best is yet to come! Hoping that 2013 will be your best year ever!

  4. Onward and upward. Rejection is part of the game plan, can’t change that one. I have an agent looking at my first novel right now, I’m ready for news good or bad and then onward I go. Keep a good thought Ron, IT WILL HAPPEN!

  5. Oh damn! I sent away 18 submissions to Art Fairs /shows/Galleries for 2013 and all refused till the very last one- so I have a Gallery exhibition in March along with 45 other new artists- Yay! So, keep on keeping on Ronnie (I love the nickname brushie- how do you like Ronnie?)

  6. I’m sorry that you were rejected. I love that you aren’t allowing it to color your outlook on life or your dream. Good for you! Happy New Year, I hope it brings you everything bright and positive you need and desire in your life, especially that approval/acceptance letter(s). Happy 6WS as well! 🙂

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