Six Word Saturday

Ron. Is Just A Monkey Man

It’s Friday and he’s seized in the morning with monkey madness; leaves his home with his pockets loaded with quarters for the vending machine.  Two quarters buys a monkey sprawled on its back, scratching its belly, or a Heavy Metal monkey two fingers hooking the air, a careless tongue lolling.  He buys another half-dozen monkeys, each in its own plastic bubble egg, knowing that when he gets home and shows them to his Beloved Sandra she will not smile and share his monkey rapture.  No. She is decidedly not a monkey woman.

He likes to get up early, put a monkey in her shoe or her coffee cup; likes to rev up her morning with monkeys, likes to keep her guessing about where she’ll find one waiting, smiling up at her, casting its monkey benediction on the balance of her monkeyless day. When she finds it, though, she only curses it, curses him, hands it back to him and swears that she’s going to throw out the next damn monkey she finds. He knows it isn’t true.

He knows what she does not: that a day without its plastic monkey is like an itch without a scratch, like a carousel without a calliope, like a technicolor garden filled with black-and-white roses. 


Our good friend, Call Me Cate, urges you to show your monkey face at: SHOW MY FACE.

21 thoughts on “Six Word Saturday

  1. Hi Ron ~~ I like the Stones but I hadn’t heard that one. If I had then it was a song I just tapped too because the instruments were louder than the words. My hearing isn’t real good and I can’t sort the words out

    I did read the words, still not familiar. My favorite stones song is You Can’t Always Get What You Want.'t-always-get-what-you-want-lyrics-the-rolling-stones/28cd65283c4b80c14825689a002bab07
    I also like their
    Like A Rolling Stone but I like Bob Dylan’s singing it better. 🙂

  2. How fun, I might have to show some love to my teen by leaving little “gifts” for her. We have a collection of ducks from a play till you win claw machine, but I think something smaller would be better. I need to find a monkey machine!

    Stopping by from 6WS
    Mom on Caffeine

  3. Ron, how sweet! My husband is also a romantic and leaves love notes in unexpected places. Trust me: she might complain, but secretly she loves it and would be upset if you stopped.

  4. I’m thinking a little fun humor like this sure helps the mundane of some days! I like it, the theme works and I’m sure it is challening to come up with places to place a monkey to be found!!

    Have a good weekend!


  5. I think the monkeys are cute! I would like finding a monkey and think that my husband was thinking of me! (:>) I used to put notes in his lunch and also in his suitcase when he traveled.

    Monkeys are fun!

    Happy SWS!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  6. Pingback: Den of Thieves – Six Word Saturday | doubledynamite

  7. Is that…is that what I think it is? Is that monkey throwing heavy metal horns on his right hand?! Far out! I liked this post, and probably somewhere way deep down, Beloved has a soft spot for the monkeys she finds. Very sweet.

  8. Not sure if you’re a romantic or just crazy as a coot – but either way, I bet you’re a hoot to live with. God bless your wonderful Sandra for putting up with you and your monkeys. 🙂 Have a great week.

  9. Hiya 🙂

    I’m only a week late in replying to you,it’s been a hetic week,hang on its always a hetic week!
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my six word Saturday post last week!
    I’m the Kerplunk girl & yep we are still playing it!
    Patience of a saint or what 😉

  10. Pingback: Six Word Saturday | doubledynamite

  11. Pingback: Six Word Saturday — Scrambled, Not Fried | Jane Wilson

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