Six Word Saturday

Can I Get That With Bacon?

Okay, I’m officially FED UP with all this useless yakety-yak about how hot it is.  It’s hot.  Let’s all get over it and shut the hell up.  It won’t be hot forever; pretty soon we’ll all  be bitching about the snow.

And could we PLEASE stop frying eggs on sidewalks for the local news and weather reports?  For one thing, it makes them gritty and unappetizing. And if we’ve got that many extra eggs, maybe we could package them up & send them off to Somalia or–gasp–some free food program right here in America.

Maybe instead of frying up all those sidewalk omelettes and cursing the weather, we  should count our blessings: the sun’s about 93 million miles away. And winter’s just around the corner.


Call Me Cate is patiently waiting for you to have your own six-word say at: SHOW MY FACE

18 thoughts on “Six Word Saturday

  1. LOL – Are they seriously frying eggs on the footpath?

    We people in little ol’ Adelaide are experiencing our coldest winter in years and moaning – mind you 2 degrees celcius is a walk in the park for most people and not really cold at all.

  2. And to think i used my six words to whine about the weather… Though would you believe that’s honestly the only time I’ve griped about it? I saved up. And yes, what about those with egg allergies? Sidewalks are turning into a scary place!

    Thanks for playing 6WS!

  3. How can you call your blog “Scrambled, Nor Fried” and then show a picture of a fried egg on it?

    Try scrambling one on the footpath, that’d give the weather reporters something new to talk about.

  4. Pingback: Six Word Saturday | We're Jumpin

  5. But if I stop complaining about the heat than what on earth would I complain about? I live in the boonies. . . it’s all there is to complain about. . . that and my stalker. 😉

  6. Loved cooking grits and eggs when we were in TCI but that was the sweetcorn variety not the pavement (aka sidewalk) grits. Haven’t found grits here in the north of England yet.

  7. That’s really funny. I have to admit, I’ve NEVER fried an egg on the sidewalk or driveway. I’m actually not sure it’s hot enough here to do that.

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