Failed Heroics

Sevenling (no one watched) *

No one watched him type,
tilt his head, delete, and
(tilting) type delete again.

No one saw his struggle,
his insomnia,
his bloody keyboard.

He was no one’s hero now.

Not familiar with the Sevenling form? You can read all about it HERE.
Fair Warning: Addictive
Poets And Storytellers United
Friday Writings #17
~ hero ~


9 thoughts on “Failed Heroics

  1. Sometimes I look at myself and think how funny it would look to others the way I work and how much time it takes. I also tilt my head and like to squint my eyes when searching for the right words.

  2. The battle feels noble when I’m in the thick of it. But a duel with writer’s block is often quite grueling.

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