Butterfly Blues

Butterfly Blues

I spotted it on the sill first; then
about a minute later, fluttering like crazy,
bashing itself on the filthy glass
doing its best to be anywhere outside.

I did my best to emanate my empathy,
to let it know that I, too, know how it feels
to be forced to remain where you are
when your lost and longed-for Nirvana
lies just beyond an almost invisible
but adamantly unbreakable barrier.

dVerse Poets
Tuesday Poetics
~ 1st Person Animalia ~


14 thoughts on “Butterfly Blues

  1. Great use of alliteration in the title, Ron. The butterfly must be a blue one, they are the most beautiful of the species, but how tragic to be stuck on a windowsill ‘bashing itself on the filthy glass / doing its best to be anywhere outside’ – just like us during lockdown, or even scribbling in our own worlds, away from the rest of humanity.

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