
The Poetics challenge at the dVerse Poets Pub this week asks us to “create a poem using the PLEIADES FORM : Using a ONE-WORD TITLE, write a SEVEN-LINE poem of SEVEN SYLLABLES EACH, in which each line begins with the FIRST LETTER of your title.”

Hmmm… Not really my thing, but…



November’s almost over.
No matter. November has
never been my favorite.

Nights last forever. I have
no desire for that much sleep.
Near dawn, I do the Joy-dance.

Nocturnal rejoicing? No.

dVerse Poets
Tuesday Poetics Challenge
~ Stars That Count ~


17 thoughts on “Nocturnaphobia

  1. I thought of you when I chose this prompt with its 7 lines the addition of N repeats is nicely negative and this line had me dancing too though I am usually asleep then
    “Near dawn, I do the Joy-dance.”

  2. The one reliably great thing about November is that I get to see a lot of sunrises, without having to pay too high a price for them. I get this poem, though. It’s been a long haul this year. I think we’ll all be doing joy-dances come the solstice this time round.

  3. 2020 has been a long stressful haul, and November turns out to be a doorway into the light of upcoming 2021, with Trump in the dumpster, and the Pandemic wrestled to ground.

  4. Enjoyed this Ron. I love the night, probably because my circadian rhythms were long ago reset by decades of performing with my bands at night. Bedtime was 3:00 AM. I also come creatively alive at night. Like Gordon Sumner proclaimed, “ bring on the night! “

  5. No-No-November 🙂 I don’t care much for the month either. December is where it’s all at.

    Mystifying piece, those last couple lines are perfection.

  6. Your poem not only has a brilliant title, Ron, it’s also a sevenling Pleiad! This November hasn’t been my favourite either, as I haven’t been able to visit my daughter on her birthday, and I agree with you about rejoicing at dawn. We’ve still got several months of long nights – spring will be a relief, especially if we’ve conquered the pandemic by then.

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