Escape Artist


Photo credit: karen maezen miller

Escape Artist

He’s tired of chasing his dreams; of dreaming.
Immediately following the final flash of
one particular September sunset
across the fading green field
just outside his office window,
he heaves a sigh, leaves the keyboard
to gather its dust, says nothing to anyone
and, lost in an awful and endless silence, is gone.

Poets And Storytellers United
Weekly Scribble #40
~ Walking Away ~

14 thoughts on “Escape Artist

  1. Looks like we’re all feeling a certain sort of way at P&SU it seems. Dreams are what keep us going when so many things try to stop us. When we lose them, it’s so much harder to be willing to take any more steps.

  2. How interesting to read different readers take on the poem. “…an awful and endless silence” is too ominous for me to envision his escape to his dream location. Although, the awfulness of it would be limited to those he left behind, his chase is over.

  3. Luv your mysterious end, leaves a lot of space for the reader to fill in the blanks

    Happy Wednesday


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