Quadrille: Even So

It’s Quardille Monday over at the dVerse Poets Pub, where Promptmaster / Drinkslinger Mish asks us to create a poem of exactly 44 words, using the word “Drum” or some derivative thereof.


Even So

He spends his morning
banging his various drums,
trying hard to remember
he has better things to do;
more important things than
drum-banging and dreaming
of a worry-free world.
Even so,
the soporific drumbeats
beckon him
into a state of stupor.


He somnambulates.


More Quadrille Here:
dVerse Quadrille Monday #106


10 thoughts on “Quadrille: Even So

  1. I really like the idea that drumming, finding the Now beat, could lead to a meditative state; drumbeats becoming the mantra.

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