9 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen

  1. I used to take pictures of 13 signs. Love the Boston influence and psychopath rd. We have a Batman Thumper Road in Floyd and a Merlin’s Way. No 13 font on my keyboard!

  2. I did a location post. Great minds? These are wonderful! I can’t believe there’s a S. Psychopath Rd. It seems seasonally appropriate, even.

  3. Love this. Never thought about taking pictures of the #13 stuff. You’d think after all this time it would occur to me.

  4. Pingback: Thursday 13: Say what? - Potentially Nonsense

  5. Pingback: Virtual high-fives for everyone - Potentially Nonsense

  6. Pingback: Virtual high-fives for everyone – My Antidepressant Life

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