15 thoughts on “Six Word Saturday

  1. Now here I have a problem, Ron! I’m sitting in the garden, squinting at my laptop because this little bit of sunshine’s too good to waste. Trouble is I don’t have great visibility and am also lacking in vision. What’s a girl to do?

  2. Another Six Word Satarday poster I am. Finding those who participate, seem to be a special bunch.
    Fantastic Six Words! The image is striking many things come to mind, some need a microscope.
    Yet an image of an eye also comes to mind, under some type of magnification comes to mind.

    I’ll be watching to see if there is ever an answer. Thanks, this was fun~ ~ BB

  3. My interpretation is that microscopic cells have provided a diagnosis. In the grander scheme of things, though, my interpretation is that you’ve done a really good job drawing in your readers!

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