Six Word Saturday

What Time Did You Get Up?

She asks me this every morning. I do my best to avoid a direct response.
And she quizzes me about bedtime, too:

What time did you
come to bed she asks
and when he tells her
half past two she says
too late, too late,
you’re always staying up
too late
               and he hears
in her voice the voices
of angels


Take a break with Call Me Cate at: SHOW MY FACE


11 thoughts on “Six Word Saturday

  1. Lovely poem! I got up way early today! To spend some time on blogger and grrrrrrr the internet or something is………..not having a good wave!

  2. and me and Jock! He goes to bed well after midnight and is often up watching tv by 5.00. It’s no wonder he’s going to sleep for two hours after lunch and again in the evening.

  3. Very nice. For myself, I stay up way too late and then sleep to unreasonable hours. Then my hubs and I have a very similar conversation.

  4. Nice poem! My hubby and I seem to always have this conversation because I go to bed early and get up early…and he goes to bed late and gets up late. Only once in a blue moon do we go to sleep at the same time! Ha!

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