Six Word Saturday

 Let’s All Sing.  All Together Now…  

It’s only a 2 minute video.  Pay special attention to the last image you see.


Let’s all go see Call Me Cate at: SHOW MY FACE.

13 thoughts on “Six Word Saturday

  1. im not getting this, then. Why is that iconic view of the earth–um–special, beyond the fact that it’s pretty neat in its own right? or is that what Im supposed to be seeing, rather than overthinking the whole thing into oatmeal…
    [leaves quietly, talking to herself about these damn hippie kids and their damn
    music…] =) (and yeah, the kind of song you have to move to, always, always)

  2. Hi Ron ~~ The watery blue earth looks so cool. I have two pieces of pottery made my Mrs. Lousma, the astronaut’s wife. She had a studio near here. One is a moon jar, the other a sun jar. One each the handle knob represents Earth.
    Jim’s Six Word Saturday

  3. I’ll sing any day with them. When I was little outside swinging on my swing set, my older sister was inside playing them on her record player and I would sing along outside….Oh she was just seventeen and if you know what I mean and other greats!

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