Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Economic Indicators

1.    Triple Baconator Deluxe Combo    Jr Happy Meal
2.    “Yes, I know my car’s 6,000 mile overdue for an oil change.”
3.    Heineken    Miller Lite
4.    Ambassador Hotel    Motel 6
5.    Sundrenched Cruise Ship    Torchlit patio party
6.    Him: “Hey, Mister! Ya got any spare change?” Me: [“..…”]
7.    Thanks for your generous donation.    Past Due. Remit Immediately!
8.    Hummer    Hyundai
9.   No sir, I don’t believe that my MBA overqualifies me for this particular part-time job at Pizza Hut because….
10.  Front Row, Center, Broadway    Back seat, drive-in movie
11.   Baked Alaska    canned fruit cocktail
12.   Paris    Paducah
13.   Forest Lawn    Potter’s Field


(You, too, probably have a 13 deep inside you, itching and scratching to get out. Best outlet?  THURSDAY THIRTEEN!)



5 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen

  1. I like your list – I see a lot of me in it! Its funny too becaus I was just doing the grocery list and changed the steaks to hamburger! You must be psychic…wouldn’t that be cool? Then you could get a TV show and maybe get some of your original list back 🙂 he-he! Thank you for making me smile.

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