Six Word Saturday

Never Psot If You’ve Been Drinkening

 Truts me onthis, it nerver turns uot well.


If you don’t believe me, check in with Kiss Me, Kate Call Me Cate at:


16 thoughts on “Six Word Saturday

  1. I believe you, Ron. Things can get messy. 🙂 But unlike e-mails, posts can be corrected later. Mrs. Jim found a mistake in mine (she’s already back in bed). The Illinois town was Galena, not Grenals, that we were to visit.

    I’ve just dranken two half cups of half decaf and half caf coffee and it made me want to right back to bed and sleep (Had A Little Drink and Hour Ago song). I’m going back to bed, for a short snooze if I can get it.

    Oh yes, the dogs, Adi and Katrin, got up with me. They’ve had their ‘outside stint’ and now we all are headed back to bed.

  2. Woops! The link was wrong above, this is the right blog. The other is okay but doesn’t have 6WS. Happy 6WS! I swear that coffee is all I’ve had. Bye,

  3. That is a funny one. That is kinda like, “Ocifer, I couldn’t recite the alphabet backwards even if I was sober.”

    OR like drunk dialing or drunk texting for the younger ones?

  4. True true true! Never blog, Facebook, Tweet, or participate in online discussion boards when drinking. Never pick a fight with your spouse/friend/parent at that time, either.

    Sage wisdom!

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